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Why A Trailer Is Essential For Your Podcast

June 17, 2021

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Think of your favourite movie. How did you feel when the trailer came on? Excited? Intrigued? Anticipating what you were going to see? That's how you want your podcast listeners to feel when they hear your show intro. A well-done podcast trailer is essential for getting new listeners interested in your show and keeping them coming back for more. So, what makes a great podcast trailer? Keep reading to find out three reasons why you should have a trailer for your podcast and what you should include to hook your listeners in!

  • What a trailer is and its purpose for your podcast 
  • 3 reasons why you should have a trailer for your podcast 
  • What you should include in your trailer


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Reasons why you should have a trailer for your podcast

Reason #1

A trailer or episode zero, as some people refer to it, is a great way to grab your listener's attention.

Reason #2

In order to submit your podcast to the various directories, you will need to have at least one audio file live in your RSS feed. A trailer is great for this purpose and I recommend releasing your trailer at least two weeks before your launch date. This will allow enough time for the directories to approve your request and for you to deal with any issues that may arise. In most cases, directories will approve your show within 24 hours but it’s always best to err on the side of caution and allow yourself enough time before your launch date. 

This specifically applies to Apple Podcasts which can take a few days at most but following a recent update in March 2021, approvals are taking a lot longer. Do you mean? This means that our non-state day, your episodes can be uploaded and scheduled to go out as planned.

Reason #3

You can start to grow your listenership before you actually launch.  That would be cool right? The ultimate purpose of your trailer is to promote your podcast before it officially launches. 

      • Be sure to tell any and everyone about your show 
      • Include a clear call of action, so your audience knows what to do next.

What to include in your trailer

Your trailer is a bit of a teaser for your show. Think about trailers for box office movies - it’s the same concept except in audio form. 

Your trailer should ideally only be one minute to three minutes in length, providing a short introduction to you and your show. 

  1. Who you are? 
  2. What’s your background? 
  3. What makes YOU the expert to talk about your specific topic?
  4. Who is the show for and why should they listen? 
  5. What can they expect to learn? 

You really want to answer all these questions in your trailer so think about this one very carefully. 

You might want to mention the topics you plan to cover, the format and the frequency of new episodes although I wouldn’t recommend specifying the exact day as if anything were to change in the future, you’d have to re-record your trailer.  The idea is that your trailer should be evergreen and continue to work for you for years to come. 

Podcasting is a long-term strategy and used the right way you will see results.  But it will take time and a whole lot of effort and patience on your part. In times when you’re feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, defeated and questioning whether you made the right decision starting your podcast, you’ll remember your why.  

What do you want your listeners to do at this stage?

What’s your call to action? You probably want them to subscribe or follow the show. Right? Ask them. Don’t shy away from this one.  Podcast listeners need to be told what to do otherwise they won’t know what action to take.  They aren't mind-readers!  Do you want them to subscribe to the show on Apple podcasts? Follow you on Instagram? Maybe you want them to join your Facebook group. Whatever action you want people to take after they listen to the trailer, make sure you tell them clearly what you want them to do.


So, there you have it! Three reasons why you should create a trailer for your podcast and some tips on what to include. Creating a trailer is a great way to give potential listeners a taste of your show and entice them to check it out. If you found this helpful, be sure to check out our other posts on creating successful podcasts. And don’t forget to share your trailer with us so we can check it out!


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And it's super easy! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to leave a rating and select “write a Review.” And that’s it!  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!


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