United Kingdom - serving women entrepreneurs worldwide


For speaking and collaboration enquiries, please email info@toobusytopodcast.co.uk



Mon to Fri 8am - 12pm GMT

let's connect

Connect deeply & convert your dream clients with podcast strategy from Too Busy To Podcast

The best way to get started is to schedule a 20-minute call with me. Please select a date and time that best suits you using the scheduler below. 

I can’t wait to meet you and learn more about your podcast vision and goals. Speak soon friend!

Think we’d make a great team? 

This depends on a few things but generally, I would say you
should be clear on why you want to start a podcast and it will support your business.  If you're not sure, book a call via the link above and let's chat it through.

How do I know a podcast is right for me?

I focus on strategy and systems whilst positioning your
show as the core content for your business so you can show
up more like a CEO and not a content creator. We're not in the business of creating shows for the sake of it!

What makes you different?

I work with women coaches and service providers who have a clearly defined and proven offer and want to add a podcast as their main marketing channel so that they can maximise their impact and increase their revenue.

Who are your services for?

Common Qs and As:

hey rosemarie, i have a question...

Sign up to receive exclusive emails to learn how to leverage a podcast to sign more soulmate clients into your high programs and attract paid speaking opportunities 

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