APPLY to join!

Doors are open through 24th April!

It’s time TO FINALLY LAUNCH YOUR PODCAST and ditch the social media hustle


Eliminate the guesswork and let's launch your profitable podcast
in just eight weeks!

So you can attract your dream clients, establish authority in your niche and extend your impact without the frustration of the algorithm. 

👉🏽 You've bought a mic but became overwhelmed by everything else and not sure where to even begin.

👉🏽  You're concerned about adding something else to your plate only to see little return on investment.

 👉🏽 You're afraid you'll run out of things to say and have to quit after a few short months. 

👉🏽 You're not great with tech and the thought of editing your show and getting it set up is anxiety inducing.

👉🏽 With so many podcasts that exist in your niche, you wonder whether you can stand out.

👉🏽 You're terrified of launching to crickets and no one will listen when your episodes go live.

 But a few things have gotten in the way.

You’ve been thinking of starting a podcast for your business for a while now.

If any of those statements made you feel seen, you’re in the right place!

Knew how to integrate your podcast into your business so it's an asset; not 'another thing to do'.


Knew what equipment and software you needed to buy - no googling required!

Felt confident about what to say in your episodes to nurture and convert your listeners.

Knew how to get people listening and sharing on launch day, no matter the size of your audience.

Had the exact roadmap to get your podcast out into the world

Had a podcast coach by your side every step of the way and you didn't have to go it alone.

A small group program to help women coaches and service providers confidently go from podcast idea to launch in just eight weeks.

the profitable podcasting program



Here's what we'll cover in our eight weeks together 

When you join the profitable podcasting program, you will learn my proven podcast strategy and launch frameworks. 

You will learn how to define your podcast's purpose, set achievable goals and set up solid systems for post-launch success.

Resources include: podcast goals planner, podcast content calendar and podcast systems worksheet.

Week 1

Build the foundations of your podcast

You will gain absolute clarity on your ideal listener.  Define your ideal listener, identify the key problem your podcast will solve for them and your podcast’s promise.

Resources: podcast listener worksheet and market research template.

Week 2

Master your messaging

Stand out in a sea of similar podcasts by nailing your niche, identifying what sets you apart, and leveraging your unique strengths to connect deeply with your audience.

Resources include: show details worksheet, podcast categories list and finding your USP cheatsheet

Week 3

Positioning your podcast for success

Understand the importance of authenticity and learn practical ways to express your true self behind the mic so you can foster a deeper connection with your community.

Resources include: your secret sauce worksheet 

Week 4

Infusing YOU into your podcast content 

Craft compelling content that resonates with your audience and drives conversions using my core content pillar strategy.

Resources include: content strategy worksheet and episode planning template. 

Week 5

Crafting your content strategy 

Craft a solid marketing plan for your podcast launch, learn my top launch strategies, set attainable launch goals and develop a post-launch promotion plan for sustainable growth.

Resources include: launch strategy and promo ideas, marketing plan for launch and weekly promotion plan.

Week 6

Driving traffic to your show at launch and beyond

Follow my simple 4P framework to get your podcast out into the world. 

Resources include: intro, outro and trailer scripts, podcast description template, podcast music cheat sheet, show notes template + so much more!

Week 7 + 8

Implementation weeks

plus these amazing bonuses


BONUS 1: Podcast cover art and promotion graphic templates (£150 value) 

BONUS 2: Private podcast (£497 value)

Your podcast's visual identity is just as important as its content. These professionally designed templates were created to help you create stunning visuals that grab attention, reflect your brand's personality and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Just customise with your fonts and colours and tweak to your taste!

Learn on the go and access all of the learning materials on your favourite podcast player.

BONUS 3: Podcast analytics training (£47 value)

Learn which podcast metrics are important and how to find and track your data each month, so that you can make informed decisions and optimise the performance of your podcast. 


3 monthly payments of




Select the investment option that works best for you


Pay in full


Get your intro, outro and trailer professionally mixed and edited by Rosemarie

If you want to start a podcast and feel confident in how to go about it - it's a NO BRAINER! Rosemarie is your woman.

Rakhi Sandhev, The Unapologetic AF podcast

I knew how effective a podcast could be for me in my marketing but I hadn't refined my audience, niche, messaging. I didn't have those bits ready to go. After PPP, I felt confident with who my audience was, my messaging and my niche too. This process had helped me understand my purpose behind this podcast. I was also better able to understand my goals. So much refinement and clarity took place in the 8 weeks, and I felt far more confident by the end of it. 

Podcast coach and launch strategist for women coaches and service providers who want to make a bigger impact and change lives. I'm also the host of top 5% marketing podcast, The Podcast to Amplify Show.

I launched my  podcast in June 2021, I made the best decision for my business and launched my podcast. Nearly three years later and it’s the primary marketing strategy for my business, attracting my dream clients and has helped me develop my confidence and overall speaking skills.

But it wasn’t always this way. In fact, it took me 18 months to work out how to make my podcast a profitable marketing tool

And I can’t wait show you how!

Hey there, I'm Rosemarie








- Nathalie Alvarado, The Premium CEO Podcast

We reached five Apple Podcasts charts with my TRAILER alone.

Rosemarie is THE podcast launch strategist you need in your business!! 
She’s incredible, resourced and has a detailed and streamlined process that will get you from idea to launch with ease, joy and so much confidence! [Her knowledge], especially with the strategic side, was pivotal in me being able to experience such success with my launch.


Have a question, want to brainstorm an idea or need coaching? Drop in to our Slack community and I'll be there to provide guidance and support.


Every week we'll have group calls where you can ask questions about anything in the core curriculum,  receive personalised feedback and be coached.


A proven roadmap that will help you create your profitable podcast. You will learn my easy to follow 6 step process to build the foundations for your show.


The Profitable Podcasting Program is your shortcut to ditching the social media hustle for good and creating a podcast that cultivates a community that loves you and your brand so you can effortlessly attract dream clients and speaking opportunities…in just eight weeks.


You don't want to waste time trying to figure it all out on your own and have someone tell you what to do and how to do it so you can see results faster.

You want to start a podcast to fill your programs and courses/digital products and/or as a stepping stone to a lucrative speaking career. 

You can commit 2-3 hours a week to completing the program.

You have a signature offer, know your ideal client well and have helped at least five clients achieve results in your paid programs. 

This program is for you if...

You aren't ready to invest and prefer to put together all the pieces of free content to create your show. 

You want to start a podcast for any other reason than as a marketing and sales tool for your online business. I do not teach podcast sponsorship strategies.

You're not willing to put in the work. While there are a ton of resources and templates included in the program, you will need to put the time in to see results.

You’re newer in business and still figuring out who you help / how you help them and haven’t served any paying clients

This program is not for you if...

You want to be a part of a community of like-minded women on the same podcasting journey.

You need 1:1 support.  My podcast launch VIP Day would be better suited.


3 monthly payments of





Pay in full


Pay in full and get your intro, outro and trailer professionally mixed and edited by Rosemarie

You get all of this inside this eight week group program

The Profitable Podcast Strategy and Launch Plan

A step-by-step roadmap to help you map out your personalised podcast strategy and get your show out into the world.

Weekly Q&A Calls

x8 calls where you’ll get your questions answered or receive coaching.

Private Slack Community 

For questions, feedback, content reviews and accountability throughout the program.

Comprehensive resource library

Includes video tutorials, audio trainings, checklists, templates, swipe files + so much more designed to create and launch your podcast with ease and confidence.



Submit your application to help me determine whether this group program aligns with your business goals. Please be as detailed as possible in your answers.


I will review your application within 24 hours.  You will be invited to enrol in the program or to book a 15 min qualifying call to make sure it’s the right fit. Please check your spam folder. 

During onboarding, you will receive your official program welcome pack. You will get access to the first module on 24th April 2024.




  • Waking up to DMs from strangers wanting to work with you after binging your podcast
  • Your podcast launched and in the ears of those who need to hear your message the most
  • Never having to create content from scratch again.
  • Receiving messages from your community saying how much an episode impacted them or shifted their perspective

This is a long term strategy for your freedom-based business, don't DIY it and struggle along the way.

Debbie Murphy, The Debbie Does Podcast

I wanted to start a podcast but had no idea how to even approach it. I thought it was just a matter of buying a mic, turning it on and uploading it. I didn't even realise the amount of strategy involved, which is ironic since I'm a strategist myself! Rosemarie asked me all the right questions to get my mind working as it should, thinking outside the box and coming up with a podcast and strategy 10x better than I could have ever done! 

Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers!

When does the cohort start? 

When do the Q&A calls take place?

On Tuesdays at 6pm BST / 1pm EST. Replays will be uploaded to the portal within 24 hours. You can also pre-submit your questions to be answered on the call.

What is the estimated cost for podcast equipment?

I recommend allocating a budget of £100 for your podcast equipment. The only must-have ongoing expense is for a podcast hosting platform which is between $12 and $20 per month.

The spring cohort starts on 30th April 2024 and you’ll gain access to the client portal and week one content on 24th April 2024.

Why do I have to apply to join?

This program was designed for women coaches and service providers who are ready to launch their podcast to deliver specific results and I want to make sure that it's the right fit for what you're looking for.

Still wondering if this is a good fit for your business? Feel free to email Rosemarie at with your questions. 


Ready to make a BIG impact without spending HOURS and HOURS on social media to attract your soulmate clients?